Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I am featured on

Yesterday I signed up on the TalentDatabase, made myself a cute little portfolio and today I got a mail from them, says "Congratulations. Your listing has just been featured on the main page of the Fashion Portal channel in the TalentDatabase."

Wow! Well I don't know how long this fame will take, 15 minutes or a day, so I took a screenshot, just in case somebody missed it :)

There I am, on the right, two times, once in the featured zone and once in the popular today zone (click on the picture to enlarge).

Oh, and I also got a brand new, shiny badge :)


  1. Congrats on your featured position! We are happy to have you on the TalentDatabase! :) Keep up the nice work.

    Take care,

    Chelle Shannon

  2. Congrats for the feature thing, very well desserved !
    I love your avata, it looks like a "Badiane" flower (other french name : "Anis étoilé")

  3. Congrats ZsuZsa! You have great work so well deserved!



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