Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Flickr Favorites - Orange and More

Let's see what we have here - items not in order of importance:

- the sun is shining, the winter is almost over
- spring is coming, obviously :)
- the kids have vacation, they have a great time together
- Lent has begun: perfect time to clean the mind and the body
- the Dutch government collapsed, just before the Dutch local elections
- Hungarian elections are coming
- the crocuses are growing in my backyard
- black birds are mating - in my backyard :)
- I am homesick again
- I just baked the best bread ever
- yesterday I saw the worst movie ever
- I made some new pendants from polymer clay - haven't touched it for almost two years, shame on me :)

Everybody, have a fantastic day! :)

1. (((((((( ((((((((, 2. ., 3. Imperial Art Appreciation: Orange, 4. Somewhere

for more flick favorites please check out Artmind's blog!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Flickr Favorites - Flora et Fauna, Man and Machine

1. 080514 Insect Macros_019, 2. a new machine, 3. Szeglet Orsi, 4. water-lily

Created with fd's Flickr Toys

There is an interesting detail about the mosaic, the third photo with the very pretty lady is made by a Hungarian pop musician, Tibor Kasza, who's hobby - photography - is already starting to catch up with his daily job: making professional popular music :) You can see his photostream, mainly gorgeous Hungarian models and celebrities on his flickr page.

If you would like to see more mosaics or join the fun, check Artmind's blog!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Monday Moodboard - A Little Bit of Magic

Well, it's not the end of winter yet so I think we all need a little bit of good magic from all those ancient good forces out there, between the trees and rocks.
Maybe they are already waking up and waiting for the spring breeze to wipe away the last bit of the cold.

And off course it's already time to party, in Hungary the "farsang" has already began :)
Farsang is the time between Epiphany and Ash Wednesday full with big dinners, costume parties, yummy cakes and cookies and old folk traditions, like the Busójárás. At the last three days before the Lent like most of the catholic countries the Hungarians will celebrate carnival.


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